Exterior at night

The Center at night

Side Entrance

The entrance of the CSGS

Heather Love audience

The audience listens as Lauren Berlant introduces Heather Love in 2014

Class discussion

Students participate in a classroom discussion at the Center

Héctor Carrillo

Héctor Carrillo talks with students after his book talk in 2018

Joan Scott

Joan Scott speaking at the Center in 2017


Students listen to panelists present in 2017

Community room

The Community Room at 5733 S University

center door

Center entrance

5733 exterior

The exterior of 5733 S University

Bhanu Kapil

Poet Bhanu Kapil at the Center in 2016

Graduate Certificate in Gender and Sexuality Studies

We are proud to offer a Graduate Certificate in Gender and Sexuality Studies to any University of Chicago doctoral student, MAPSS student, MSW student or Masters student in the Divinity School. A Certificate from the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality allows students in a variety of programs to deepen their academic interest in gender and/or sexuality. The interdisciplinary nature of the subject can lead to academic exploration above and beyond the specific course of study undertaken by UChicago MA/PhD students. Students are able to select relevant courses across departments and divisions in order to expand their knowledge of gender and sexuality. Students also participate in the CSGS Workshop/Working Group to learn about active research happening across campus. These opportunities allow students to gain an understanding of the breadth of subjects where gender/sexuality can be, and are, a focus of study. Requirements differ depending on the degree you are pursuing. Read carefully below for the details

Questions? Reach out to Red Tremmel, Instructional Professor in the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality at redtremm@uchicago.edu. Also, please fill in this form if you are interested in completing the certificate.

For Masters level students, the Gender and Sexuality Studies Certificate has 4 major components:

  1. Three GNSE courses (cross-listed courses or equivalent pre-approved non-cross listed courses);
  2. A thesis (if a thesis is required for graduation) or research paper with a substantial gender/sexuality component; and
  3. Attendance at a minimum of 6 Gender and Sexuality Studies Workshops  and/or Working Groups. Any combination of the two will work as long as there are 6 total. Sign up to receive papers in advance here.
  4. Short presentation of your research (either completed or in progress) on a Working Group or Workshop panel Spring Quarter. 

All courses must be taken for a “quality grade,” i.e., not an R or a P.

For PhD students, the Gender and Sexuality Studies Certificate has 5 major components:

  1. A graduate-level foundation course in gender and sexuality theory. Approved courses for 2024-25 are listed below;
  2. Three additional GNSE courses (cross-listed courses or equivalent pre-approved non-cross listed courses);
  3. A major research paper with a substantial gender/sexuality component; and
  4. Attendance at a minimum of 6 Gender and Sexuality Studies Workshops  and/or Working Groups. Any combination of the two will work as long as there are 6 total. Sign up to receive papers in advance here.
  5. Presentation of your research at an assigned CSGS Workshop or by participating in a Working Group panel in Spring Quarter. 

All courses must be taken for a “quality grade,” i.e., not an R or a P.

Approved Foundation Courses for 2024-25: