Funding Opportunities for UChicago Faculty
Open to CSGS Faculty Affiliates
Apply here!
Deadline: Monday, March 24, 2025, at 5:00 pm
Selections will be made in April 2025. Funds will be available from July 1, 2025, to May 30, 2026.
Faculty-Led Events and Faculty-Led Projects/Series
CSGS provides funding for a limited number of faculty-led events (e.g., talks, conferences) and long-term faculty-led projects. In the spring quarter, we solicit proposals for the coming academic year. These grants allow CSGS to encourage and promote original and emergent research related to gender, sex, and sexuality. University of Chicago faculty affiliates (all appointment types) and postdoctoral fellows interested in organizing an event or running a project at the Center should submit a proposal according to the guidelines below. Collaborative projects or events organized with other UChicago faculty, graduate or undergraduate students, or community groups are encouraged.
The CSGS will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2025-26. Events and projects which fall under the theme of “Feminist and Queer World Building: Art, Activism, Academics” are encouraged and will be given special consideration.
- Events: We welcome proposals for one-off events, such as bringing in a speaker for a lecture or seminar, a conference, or a short-term workshop. Events should be open, at a minimum, to the CSGS community. The maximum award for event proposals is $2,000. The faculty sponsor will be the main organizer and point of contact for the event.
Those interested are invited to submit a proposal that includes the following: a one-page description of the event; a list of possible and/or confirmed co-sponsors and collaborators (names and departments), students, and any others involved; other funding (requested or secured); and proposed dates of the event (estimated or confirmed, please specify). Requests made after the spring deadline will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis, and any awards made will be based on available funds. - Faculty Projects: We welcome proposals for faculty-led projects and series that will span one academic year with the potential for renewal in subsequent years. Projects should be organized around a particular theme broadly related to sex, gender & sexuality. As examples, we have sponsored faculty projects on gender & sexuality in the Middle Ages, sexuality and contemporary capitalism, experimental writing in queer theory, and artist approaches to gender & sexuality. Projects might consist of a series of programs, workshops, seminars, artist talks, reading groups, writing groups, media screenings, or other artistic displays. The project will be part of our yearly programming at the Center and the project director/s will organize 2-3 public-facing events each academic year.
Projects must have a named faculty director/s who will be responsible for running the programming. Projects may receive up to $5,000 in programming funds. Project director/s are encouraged to use part of their funds to pay a project assistant to help coordinate the logistics of the programming, as CSGS staff are not available to provide such support.
Those interested are invited to submit a proposal that includes: a one-page description of the project and its objectives; collaborators (names and departments), students and any others involved; relevant dates (estimated or confirmed, please note which); possible or confirmed co-sponsors; and a proposed venue. Please attach a rough budget, estimating event costs: honoraria, airfare and hotel, food/catering, poster and other publicity, audio-visual, venue or recording expenses, other materials, or planning costs. If you are requesting renewal of a funded faculty project, please add a paragraph that discusses the events and the outcomes of your work in the past year. Directors of all approved projects and series will be required to submit a short report at the end of the AY concerning how the funds were used, and useful.
Course Development Grants
The CSGS is offering $1,500 in research award funding for UChicago faculty (all ranks and appointment types) affiliated with the CSGS who develop a new undergraduate course in gender and/or sexuality studies, to be taught in two of the next three years. To apply, submit a one-page description/proposal for a new course.
Research Grants
The CSGS is offering the following:
- Research grants of up to $3,000 for junior faculty affiliated with the Center. Successful applicants must agree to present an aspect of their funded research at the Center within two years of the grant.
- Collaborative research grants of up to $3,000 for two or more faculty affiliates to collaborate on a year-long research project. The funds will support meeting and research costs, costs associated with bringing a colleague to campus for a short-term visit, or the costs of travel to work with a collaborator located elsewhere. There is no programming expectation associated with this grant, but we require a short report at the end of the AY concerning how the funds were used and useful.
To apply, please submit a proposal that provides a project summary accessible to non-specialists, a description of the research and how it contributes to knowledge about gender and/or sexuality broadly defined, and a detailed budget of up to $3000. The proposal should not exceed 4,000 words and does not need to include a citation list.
Junior Faculty Publication Grants
The CSGS offers grants to Assistant Professors to support the publication of their first book. Assistant professors who are CSGS affiliates may apply for up to $500 to support a manuscript workshop, pay for image permissions, apply towards a book subvention, or other costs. To apply, please submit a one-page description of the book project and an explanation of costs.
*The CSGS attempts to give the broadest access possible to support the work of our affiliates. However, all expenditures are subject to policies that govern the Center’s budget and spending; there may also be instances where the Center must follow policies held and interpreted by the home departments and divisions of the faculty requesting funds (such as collective bargaining unit agreements). Please direct any questions to CSGS Executive Director Gina Olson at