About the Center

5733 S. University Ave.

The Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality at the University of Chicago was established in 1996, after a decade of faculty and student self-organization. It now consolidates work on gender and sexuality, and in feminist, gay and lesbian, and queer studies.

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Our building is wheelchair accessible via a ramp in front of the building on University Avenue. There are automatic doors with push pads at the front entrances of the building. The building is equipped with three gender-neutral restrooms; the first floor restroom is ADA accessible and equipped with an automatic door and push pad.

For any other questions about access accommodations, please email csgs@lists.uchicago.edu.


Spring Quarter at the CSGS

After a brief spring break, welcome back for the final quarter of our 2024-25 academic year! 

On Wednesday, April 9 at 12:30pm, Patricio Simonetto (Lecturer in Gender and Social Policy, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds) will speak on “Slimming the Nation: A Cultural History of Anti-Fatness in Argentina” and on Friday, April 25 at 2:00pm, composer/performer/writer Kate Soper, will discuss her major composition in “Fourth Walls, Formes-fixes, and the Voice in a Funhouse Mirror: Adapting Le Roman de la Rose.” On Thursday, May 1 at 5:00pm, we will host our 2025 Distinguished Alumnae/i Lecture, featuring Kavita Daiya (Professor of English and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, George Washington University), title to be announced. Professor Daiya will also meet with students in a workshop on Friday, May 2. 

Our faculty affiliates are organizing several events this quarter. Professor Kris Trujillo (Comparative Literature) has organized, “ecstatic writing: a symposium,” which will be held on Wednesday, May 7 from 9:00am-4:30pm. Professor Anna Elena Torres (Comparative Literature) is hosting a talk at the Center with Christoph Hanssmann (Assistant Professor of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, University of California, Davis) titled “Sick of it All: Care & Depathologization in Trans Health” on Friday, May 16 at 12:30pm

Finally, we will honor our graduating class of Gender and Sexuality Studies (GNSE) undergraduate student majors at our 2025 GNSE BA Symposium on Friday, May 9 at 2:00pm.

All of our Spring 2025 events can be found on our calendar

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2024-25 Program Highlights

If you would like to revisit a few of our Autumn 2024 events, video is now available for the following events: 

Our 2024 OUTstanding Speaker Series Lecture featuring Imani Rupert-Gordon (President of the National Center for Lesbian Rights), “The State of the LGBTQ Movement: What is at Stake, and How We are Going to Win.”

Our 2024 Lauren Berlant Memorial Lecture Kathleen Stewart Professor Emerita of Anthropology at the University of Texas, Austin " The Sensation of Singular Life."

The Unfundable Fund for Gender & Sexuality Theory, Research, & Practice in honor of Prof. Lauren Berlant (1957-2021)

Last fall, the CSGS launched a campaign to garner immediate-use graduate student and postdoctoral research project funding, and eventually endow, The Unfundable Fund for Gender & Sexuality Research, Theory, and Practice. The name of this fund comes from Center co-founder Prof. Lauren Berlant (1957-2021), who was a tireless advocate for keeping space open for student research that presents “forms of queer we might not yet recognize.” In this spirit, the Unfundable Fund will prioritize humanistic areas of inquiry that are centered in gender and/or sexuality studies and are not easily fundable through existing mechanisms. Through this initiative, we seek to continue the crucial work of Prof. Lauren Berlant in making the Center an incubator of cutting-edge gender & sexuality research by emerging scholars.

Read a letter about the impact of Lauren’s research and teaching co-authored by Professors Debbie Nelson and Kristen Schilt. 

Please consider making your gift today to help us reach our goal.

Did you know?

All UChicago college students have the opportunity to learn about the fundamental importance of gender and sexuality as analytic categories as part of their general education requirement teaching the introduction to the tools of inquiry used in every discipline. The CSGS offers several sections of a two-quarter civilization sequence taught by our faculty based in a variety of disciplines. Read more about Gender and Sexuality in World Civilizations.

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